Saturday, December 17, 2016

19 weeks plus a little

The last handful of days have been delightfully normal around here. We finally made it through the long week of holiday performances, holiday parties, and one vomiting child. W got sick overnight Wednesday/Thursday but I swore at the time that it was just an overdose of blueberries coming back to haunt her. She seemed fit and fine in the morning so I sent her to school and settled in for a slow day of cartoons and snuggling with the small one until we got a phone call to come collect our green in the face kiddo. It turns out that she had vomited on the stairs before school but neither she nor the teenager felt like that would be useful information for me to know before I unleashed her on a class full of kindergarteners. Oops. I truly hope we didn't contribute to anyone being sick over their Christmas vacation!
^ photos taken at 18 weeks pregnant ^

As far as pregnancy goes things are delightfully normal for me. I suffer from symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) during pregnancy which basically means that my pelvis moves too much and hurts like a mofo and causes pain in my hips and back and legs. I was even given a temporary handicap placard during my pregnancy with B when the pain of even walking into an appointment became too much. I'm not at the point yet but don't doubt that I'll get there. It also gives me a super fun waddle the makes me look even more pregnant than I am.

I've also got the typical heartburn, insomnia, itchy skin, congestion, and aches & pains that accompany pregnancy. But I'm starting to feel a little more movement from the womb nuggets and my stress level is much much lower than last week so I'm still feeling grateful. We decorated gingerbread houses with the girls tonight and I'm taking the older two to see a performance of The Nutcracker tomorrow that I'm hoping will be a super fun outing for them. I went through one of my totes full of baby clothes  and pulled out what will work for boys and ended up with more than I expected. I need to get together with some friends and see if I can talk any of them into trading me some boy hand-me-downs for my pink and purple stuff! I set aside a few items that are a little more sentimental for me in the hopes that my grandkids may someday wear them but I'm trying to keep that to a minimum because I tend to be a pack rat. All of my kids have worn items that my mom saved from when I was a baby and all of them have had a first birthday cake made in the same pan that my first birthday cake was made from. These things mean so much to me that I want to make sure my girls have at least a few items saved for any kids they may have. Do you have any family traditions or handed down items that mean a lot to you?
 We finally got some good pictures of both boys at the same time!
 Lincoln Michael is on the left and Cooper James is on the right. Cooper still spent a lot of time curled up but it was so amazing to see him stretch out his legs several times and wiggle all around.
 This one was taken in the middle of what appeared to be Lincoln giving Cooper a kiss but they spent much of the scan punching and kicking each other so I don't expect to catch this again.
We have another appointment with Dr B on Monday and she said they'll take some more measurements this time to be sure that the boys are growing evenly and nobody is struggling with growth restriction. If everything still looks awesome like our last appointment then we'll push it out to two weeks between scans but I still see my OB every two weeks so she'll do a lower level ultrasound and check heartbeats on the off weeks. Until then, keep sending all the good growing, healing, loving vibes you've got! We appreciate every spare thought you give our little cheese doodles.

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