I'm sorry this update has taken awhile, life gets in my way sometimes. We've been busy with Girl Scout stuff, a mom's night out, a car in the shop, general family stuff and unfortunately no longer sleeping. I have some major pregnancy congestion happening at night and I was able to take medicine to get some good sleep for almost a week but that's as long as I'm allowed to take it so I'm back to waking up feeling hungover every morning. A nose strip helped a little last night but I am tempted to move the recliner into our bedroom to sleep upright to combat the congestion as well as the heartburn that gets kicked up here and there.
I'm doing a lot of complaining! Let's get to the good stuff. The boys are once again as healthy as we could possibly dream. They are each measuring a whopping 1 lb 6 oz as of Wednesday morning which is a fantastic size for twins. Their fluid is once again looking very symmetrical with both measuring a little over 5 cm and Cooper actually having the higher amount. All their blood flows look great. The only new bit of info we gleaned was that Lincoln has a small calcification on his liver (liver? I'm pretty sure it's liver) that apparently they had noted in the previous scan but wasn't mentioned to us before and was only mentioned by the tech in an offhand comment. She said that it didn't look any bigger which was exactly what they wanted. So I guess that's great too.

During the whole appointment the babies were moving around like wild things as usual. At the beginning Lincoln was transverse at the top with Cooper in the center forming a T shape. Then for a time Lincoln's legs were draped over Cooper's abdomen making it very difficult to get certain measurements and numbers. Then Lincoln was pretty much sitting on Cooper's head. And they ended the visit side by side with Cooper head down on my right and Lincoln head up on my left. Lincoln's insistence on being positioned poorly is making me more and more certain that I'll be facing a c-section when the time comes to welcome these kids to dry land.

I often have to stop myself to take a moment to remember how very thankful I am that I even have the energy to worry about trivial things like how I'm feeling physically and the method of delivery I'm facing. My boys are healthy and each day they keep cooking is a blessing to us. Life is physically getting harder and I'm experiencing more pain and discomfort than I normally would at this point in my previous pregnancies. My back hurts and my pelvis feels like it's broken at all times and now I have nerve pain causing a zappy ouchieness in my butt when I walk more than a few yards. The aforementioned congestion, heartburn, and lack of sleep are no fun. But really, all of that is so minor and temporary. I'm not going to stop complaining about it but deep down I really do feel so lucky to be able to complain about the everyday twin pregnancy type stuff.

This photo is a side by side of my fourth pregnancy at 24 weeks and my fifth at 24 weeks. I think the boys have positioned themselves so that I don't really look that much bigger but I know those white shorts wouldn't fit because Cooper's fat head is down so low that even half my maternity pants don't fit these days. My new motto is 'pants are b.s.' and my goal is to wear them as little as possible. Honestly, that goal isn't really new and was one of the motivating factors in our cross country move to a warmer climate. Give me shorts and swim suits at all times and I'll be happy.
One last fun note before I sign off for the night and retire to my nose strip and pillow fort. For all women who have ever been this pregnant, yes that baby is punching you in the cervix. We got to witness Cooper take two direct jabs at my cervix while she was measuring it's length (all good, cervix of steel, Hi dad! awkward) and it's the first time I've actually seen one my fetuses do that. I have felt it oh so many times but feel a little vindicated now that I know that that is exactly what the little stinker was doing. We also got to watch Cooper suffering from a severe case of the hiccups, which served him right and was pretty adorable. We couldn't remember if we have ever seen any of the other kids with hiccups in utero but we're pretty sure we did witness it with Miss A via ultrasound because that fetus had the hiccups 7 or 8 times a DAY for months! She also had the hiccups as a baby at least twice a day for months, during which time I'm pretty sure her motto was 'hiccups are b.s.'

What's bugging you lately my friends? What minor annoyance in your life gets thrown in the b.s. pile these days?
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