Thursday, February 16, 2017

28 weeks

I got bored with the same background and shots I've been taking for my belly photos so I tried a few new things today. Plus I had absolutely no desire to do my hair or makeup just for photos so these ideas conveniently didn't require either of those things. Win win.
I said last week that I had been given the glucose challenge and was told that no news was good news. Of course when they called me a few hours later I had a mini heart attack but the nurse said my glucose was fine but my hemoglobin levels were low and my doctor wants me to take an iron supplement. My first reaction was incredulity until I realized that I haven't been anywhere near my regular diet lately and the high carb content taking over where I would usually have a very high protein diet probably has something to do with that change. 
Our fourth daughter had severe food intolerances and left us both on a very restricted diet while she was still breastfeeding so I turned to something very close to a paleo lifestyle and loved it. I loved how I felt and I loved what I was feeding my family. Since she turned 2 she has been able to handle many of the foods she couldn't tolerate before and we've gotten away from how I would prefer to be eating all the time but I still managed to make most of our family meals paleo. Of course then came a twin pregnancy and we're all just trying to stay alive over here! So I'm taking iron twice a day.

So far I've managed not to develop any new stretch marks during this pregnancy. My fourth pregnancy left me with stretch marks on my belly that I'd never had before but they arrived at the very end and stayed on the lower half where I couldn't see them. I know that these boys will definitely leave their mark soon and probably all over the place so I figured I should get a photo before I earn my stripes. I measured today and still got a steady 43 inches around but I feel like that definition between my big ole belly and my hips is new this week and puts me solidly into weirdly gigantic territory that twin mamas get to enjoy.

I built a new gate for the bottom of our stairs today and while I was adding the eye hooks for the latch, the very last step, little miss B decided she needed to be using the drill and in her attempt to convince me that she should be helping said "Are you sure you can do that with a big belly?!" Haha! The dog isn't a fan of this new obstacle to him eating the kids' toys but I'm pretty excited that it worked out. Building the gate really helped me feel a little less at loose ends but didn't help me accomplish anything else today. I'm pretty much only capable of doing one major task each day before I get too tired or the pain gets to be too much so doing projects like this means I have to push back things like cleaning or grocery shopping. My family was pretty impressed with my gate build but they'll probably be less impressed in the morning when they realize that I didn't do anything about our cereal shortage. Don't worry, nobody will go hungry because there's always oatmeal as a backup but there will be complaints.

Also, if you happen to have some lemon cake on you and happen to be in my neighborhood you are welcome to stop by with it immediately. I'm craving lemon and cake this week and would kill for a combo of the two!

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