Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Not what I expected

Today was my first biophysical profile and it wasn't at all what I expected. I guess I was expecting this to be more in depth like our usual aapointments and I left with a lot less info than usual. But the important part is that the babies passed and get to keep cooking another week!

The BPP consisted of the usual weight and blood pressure measurement followed by a non-stress test. The non-stress test was a little tricky because neither baby really loved the idea of being tracked but it was nice to just sit and listen to the wooshing of heartbeats and the kicks when the boys would move away. I did get cramped fingers from helping to hold the monitors at the right angles to catch each baby and at the end I had to shift to my side to catch Lincoln for the remainder of his time. There was also a sensor to track contractions which didn't pick up much of anything but did confirm that I really can't tell the difference between major baby movements and slight contractions. The few times that the number went up a little felt the same as the time Cooper rolled completely away from his sensor.

After they tracked heartbeats and movements I was taken in for an ultrasound to measure a few quick dopplers and fluid and watch for practice breathing. This took awhile because Cooper didn't want to practice but he managed to give us an effort a few minutes before his time was up.

Thankfully Cooper's fluid measured higher today but Lincoln's still measured about the same as last week so they haven't evened out quite yet. They didn't measure the babies' growth today so I'm not sure where we are on the size difference and didn't think to ask about that until after I had left. I know it was one of the bigger concerns last week but I had that fluid measurement in my head and just totally forgot about it. The tech told me that we wouldn't measure growth for two more weeks so I'll be sure to ask about that belly measurement next week. She asked me if I had any questions for the doctor so I could have easily had her stop in but at the time I couldn't think of any questions so I didn't even see Dr B today.

Oh, and these naughty little boys of course decided to head back to the wrong positions. Cooper is breech and Lincoln was draped over his head along the top. Both kiddos were facing my back so we couldn't even get any pictures of their little faces and Lincoln's back and ribs are jammed up in my ribs in the least comfortable way possible of course. I'll take healthy inside babies any day but these fools could just go back to how they were last week! I felt so much better and more energetic when I wasn't uncomfortable at all times.

So that's what we know folks! I see my OB on Thursday and then Saturday is BABY SHOWER DAY!!! I'm so excited to celebrate these boys with my friends and get some photos for their baby books to show them how many people are so invested in them already. I might also be in it for the yummy foods that will be making their way to my face that day but mostly the friends and love.

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